Striving to live authentically while pursuing holiness

Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh Florida, why did you do it??

I've been proud to be a Floridian over the past couple of years--proud of the conservative House that we have in our State government. They've done a great job trying to keep Obama's decisions at bay. I appreciate all they've done. But today, I'm embarrassed! How can someone do something as stupid as banning the word "uterus" from the House floor??? Now, the link that I've posted here is from a liberal source. Of course it is!! They are the ones having a hay day with this. Forget all of the good things that the House has done this year. Now they've screwed it all up because THIS is what everyone is going to be talking about!!

Forget about the fact that in a few days they are going to be trying to get a law passed that would require a doctor to give an ultrasound to a woman considering an abortion and then talk with her in depth about what actually happens during an abortion. How great is that?? But now, all we get to hear is how no one is allowed to talk about "them", but they are trying to pass a law that is all about "them!"

Don't get me wrong. I understand the reasoning behind the statement made by the Speaker of the House. He asked a Democratic House member to avoid using the word "uterus" (according to a female Republican colleague) because there are younger, under age pages there working in the House. He wanted to make sure they didn't offend anyone. But in making that rule, he actually made the word "uterus" a dirty word! I can tell you that if my children had been there, they wouldn't have thought a thing of it. They know exactly what it is (surprise, surprise) and would have been pretty shocked to hear it banned.

IT'S AN ORGAN for goodness sake!!

What affect is this going to have on the the upcoming decision to inform women before having abortions? Who knows? I certainly hope it doesn't have any affect. I think that bill has a good chance of being passed in our conservative House. It's a bill that needs to be passed. But all we're going to hear from the liberal media is about the stupid statement banning the word "uterus" instead of the important issues at hand.

I think it was a stupid decision, quickly made, and I'm sure completely regretted at this point!! But let's get on with it and focus on the real issues--please!

1 comment:

  1. *Rolling my eyes* It really does overshadow all the GOOD things they've been working on because it's just so ridiculous. We're worried about offending young people with a word they should know anyway by that age. It just makes House Republicans look so ignorant:-(
