Striving to live authentically while pursuing holiness

Thursday, March 17, 2011


We had a fun night last night. Cama-Jane came into our room (not unusual) and laid down on the floor to sleep without asking to get into our bed (very unusual.) I wasn't going to complain! Then Shepley came in and jumped right in bed with us. I was very thankful for this arrangement when I heard a choking noise coming from the floor and looked down to see Cama-Jane vomiting all over her little pallet down there and all over one of my nice decorative pillows for my bed. At least it was just her, and she was on the floor. Jon doesn't deal well with puke in his bed in the middle of the night!!

I got her up and put her in the tub. She was crying, of course, because she was scared. I don't think she remembers throwing up before. It's been awhile for her. We brushed her teeth and got her all cleaned up. Then I took all the gross stuff to the laundry room and got new stuff for her to sleep on along with a bowl in case she got sick again. Well, she did, and certainly not in the bowl! :) Do they ever at that age?? So we started all over again.

She seems to be fine now. Hopefully she's done. But then Breck woke up early not feeling well. He vomited as well about 8:30. He must have gotten it from her. I know she got it in the nursery on Monday. I got the opportunity to go to a luncheon and hear Phyllis Schlafley down at the Naples Beach Hotel. A very nice lady in our church paid for a couple of tables for young moms and dads (Jon couldn't go) to go and listen. She also paid for babysitters to keep our kids at the church. I heard from one of the moms that her daughter got sick Monday night. I knew it was one that Cama-Jane probably played with so I thought it might happen. But Breck didn't even stay in there. He watched movies across the hall because he was the only boy his age! :) So he must have gotten it from her here at home. Shepley has complained a little about feeling badly but hasn't thrown up yet.

Trand is supposed to have some boys over tomorrow night for his birthday (which was three weeks ago, and we've already had to cancel once!) If no one else gets sick, I'll conclude that it's okay to have them because it will have been over 36 hours since anyone threw up. But if anyone else does--especially if it happens tonight, I'll have to cancel. He's not happy about that!! Poor him! And little does he know, but poor me!! I'm ready for this night to be over with. Not that it's that big of a deal, but I'm tired of planning stuff just to have it not happen and have to think about it for the next week!! Plus, I've got a doula client due next Saturday so it's a real possibility that I might get called in the middle of the night that night.

So now that I've had my little venting session.....

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