Striving to live authentically while pursuing holiness

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm staying home forever!

Okay, that's it. I just told Jon I'm never leaving the house again (as I prepare to go to the fair in about 30 minutes!) Seriously, though, I'm almost going over the edge.

Cedar has gotten croup, congestion, runny nose, etc. more than any of my other kids ever did as a baby. He also takes to wheezing when he's sick. Every time he gets anything, it turns to that. He has gotten it every time from Cama-Jane--who I know has gotten it from the nursery. Last week, without thinking, I put Cedar in the toddler nursery because there were babies in the infant nursery who were sleeping. Cedar has been crawling for two months and is very used to lots of kid activity so I figured he would be fine. He certainly was except for the fact that he got sick again on Tuesday!! (Not to mention that Cama-Jane started throwing up on Wednesday after being with someone on Monday who threw up that Monday night!) At least Cedar never threw up, but I'm not convinced that he didn't have a touch of that too because his "spit up" was much chunkier (sorry) than usual and he "acted" nauseated. (If that's possible, but he just wasn't himself! He seemed "sick.") So, anyway, to make a short story long.... he's been sick again and we're going on the second week of it now. AAAHHHH!!!!

So just as I was setting my resolve to not go back to the nursery, I just got an email saying that there was more than one confirmed case of head lice at our CC group yesterday!!!


Some of you know that we went through head lice about 2 1/2 years ago. I shaved the boys' heads. Trand still hasn't forgiven me. It took me five weeks to get it out of Shepley's hair!! I checked her every day, and every time I saw evidence, we started all over again!! Let me tell you, it took me an hour and a half to comb through her curly, thick hair with one of those little nit brushes!! She was 3!! The only way I got her to sit still was to put her in front of a movie and let her eat a stick of butter!! Yes, that's right--butter! It's her favorite!! :) But I have been scared to death ever since of getting it again. It's not just dealing with the lice. It's washing six (now seven) sets of sheets, pillow cases, etc. every night. It's spraying down the furniture and the car. It's putting away stuffed animals and decorative pillows in trash bags to store for a few weeks before getting them back out. It's living in fear for weeks that the dreaded little bugs will come back. I can't do it again. The last time I almost check myself into a mental institution!! I can handle a lot of stress. But that I can't handle!!

So please pray! Please pray that there is no lice in my children's head!!! I can handle all the colds in the world but please NO MORE LICE!!!!

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