Striving to live authentically while pursuing holiness

Friday, August 19, 2011

Two weeks in....

.... and I'm still on schedule!! :)

Okay, some of you might think it's absolutely ludicrous of me to celebrate the fact that I'm still on schedule after only two weeks. If you think that, you don't know me well!! :) As I've said before, schedules make my skin crawl!! Usually by the end of the second week, I've hung up the "schedule towel" and decided that we can once again make it through the year by the seat of our pants!! But not this year! I'm shocked that I'm actually enjoying the schedule and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it. Even when I've been waking up at 6:30 every morning after being up with the baby or another child at least once or twice a night!! (The first night it was four times and I still stayed strong!)

Now, I shouldn't be shocked. This is exactly what I prayed for over the summer. Why am I always shocked when God answers those prayers that seem so far fetched--like actually changing part of who you are!! But I'm giving him all the glory because I know I couldn't have done it on my own.

One thing I do think helped was the fact that I bought a school planner at the convention. Jon totally laughed at me and said I'd never use it. That wasn't very encouraging, huh? :) But I have to admit--even though I was totally adamant on the outside that I would use it (thus justifying spending the money) I had my doubts as well!!

When I got home I was so excited about it that I sat down with all my curriculum and planned out the first three months! Actually, it was two and a half, but it was all the way through to Fall Break!! :) Man, that was an accomplishment. It has been an amazing tool to actually use!! I know if any of you are teachers out there you think I'm crazy that I actually just figured this out! :) But I've realized that I need to schedule in time to make sure I have my schedule planned. :) I guess this is life with six kids!

So let me have my little celebration over my two week accomplishment! I know at least my Mama and Daddy will be proud of me! :) I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my little ones during school (after nine years of it, you'd think I'd have that figured out!) But all in all, it's been good!! I think it's gonna be a great year!!

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