*I realize that this post may make some readers mad. I'm sorry. I'm not apologizing for writing it. I am sorry if you get mad when reading it. I'm talking to myself as well (my past self and even sometimes my present self.)
Let's face it. We live in a face paced, give-it-to-me-now world. It's all about convenience and how quick we can get it. Think back 15 years ago. We had the internet. We had email. But most of us had dial up. To get online we sat down at our computer, clicked on AOL, signed in and heard that horrible screechy sound then a loud ring. Screechy sound again before we connected, and if we were lucky we'd connect the first time and hear that beloved, "You've got mail." I remember being about to sign in then get up fix a snack before coming back to actually surf the web (which also took forever!) If we had to go through that today, we'd be on the phone so fast with our internet provider it would make our heads spin! We wouldn't put up with that. Nor should we. We have the technology now to make it quicker, and that's okay. Sometimes quicker IS better. But in the case of food--it's not, and it's scary what our expectations are doing to our children.
This starts very, very early. Breastfeeding isn't always the "quickest" thing to get. It's not just easy for most people. Yes, it's the most natural thing in the world--except when it's not. It's work. It takes commitment. And it takes time. Lots of moms aren't willing to give that time. They know that "breast is best" but they are way too quick to say, "It's just not working for me." I believe that formula is way too accessible in this day in America. In other countries, you have to have a prescription to get it. So there it starts.... an easy fix. Give the baby a bottle. After all, the pediatrician tells us it's almost just as good, right. I've even heard that some pediatricians today are still saying it's JUST as good. And you can find it anywhere--justification. Yes, there are reasons for not breastfeeding. There are instances (very few) when moms really, physiologically can't do it. In old times, these babies would have had to have a wet nurse or have been given goat's milk (which has much closer proteins to human milk that cow's.) But everyone expected that they would nurse their baby because that's how babies ate!
So most moms in America turn to formula.
Around 4 to 6 months (because that's when the doctors start telling them to) they start strolling down the grocery aisle to the baby food. What are they in? Jars. Jars that have been sitting on the shelves for quite some time and have an expiration date of at least a year away. Hmmm, I wonder how vegetables and fruit can sit on shelves for over a year? Preservatives. That's the only way. So from the very beginning, we start spooning preservatives in our babies' mouths. Not to mention the cereals. We aren't even asked to give them cereal with any nutrition--just dehydrated flakes of white rice that do nothing but expand and sit in our babies' tummies to make them full. Hey, it does the trick to make them sleep through the night, right? Everyone knows today that white rice isn't good. We all know to eat brown rice for any nutrition. White rice (along with white flour, white pasta, white potatoes, etc.) is pure sugar once it's in our bodies. Why would we give that to our babies? Their guts are not ready to digest all that so it sits and rots in their tummies--causing all sorts of gastrointestinal issues including leaky gut syndrome early on and all sorts of other colon trouble later.
As they get older, look a little further down the aisle. You will find more preservative filled snacks--quick and easy. Baby food companies know exactly what moms want to hear. They claim to be nutritious. They are also quick and easy. What more could we ask for? So we fill their bowls and tummies full of grains that they can't digest well because, let's face it, it's easy! It keeps them busy for a few minutes or happy in the car or while we are sitting at a restaurant. What are we teaching them, though? Bad eating habits and the fact that food can fill the time as well as their stomachs.
So then our babies are toddlers. We venture into the world of microwaveable toddler meals. Quick and easy once again--all under the guise of good nutrition. Carrots and peas--what could be bad about those? Well, maybe the fact that they are loaded with preservatives once again. Sometimes we're still shoving jar food down them because it's easy to make sure they get their "veggies." And don't forget the fast food meals that come into play at this point. Which of us hasn't been guilty of driving through the drive thru to get our toddler a happy meal? Now, I'll admit it happens a lot sooner with the later ones coming a long. You can keep your first ones away from that stuff a lot longer. Then by the time number 3 or 4 comes--forget it! Right? Well, I admit this is where I fail a lot. Our life is busy. I'll admit. What's the solution when you are out and it's lunch time? I know lots of moms who pack lunches to take. I've done that. I really have. It's not so bad. But doing it a lot with six kids gets really time consuming! So a lot of times I go to Jason's Deli--trekking in with all six kids and one adult is quite the show, I can promise. The workers there know me, and the managers talk to me personally! :) I guess I bring a lot of business when I walk through the door! But it's so much more worth it than another meal of chicken nuggets.
But still.... is Jason's Deli really the answer? If I'm honest, I'll tell myself "no." The answer is more nutritious whole food at HOME!
So there it begins.... from the very beginning we choose the fast and easy way. What our children need is whole, nutritious food from us. They need to be taught that faster is not always better. They need to know that they don't turn to food for comfort or entertainment. Our children in America are obese. Look around. It's sad! They eat crap and they don't get enough exercise. And starts with the nutritional habits of mom and dad. Let's commit to doing better. There are tons of resources to help you with ways to get good food into your children in easy ways. Children eat what they are given (for the most part.) Train them early and it's much easier than having to untrain and train again! Smoothies are a great way to get wholesome fruit in them plus throw in a little green spinach as well. My 7 month old is already drinking them. I don't use dairy so I don't worry about that--just a little coconut water. Also, let your babies eat what you eat. This solves a lot of the texture issues that children have as they are growing up. You may need to pulse it through a food processor a couple of times, but that's okay. They can eat it!
Play with some recipes. Have fun in the kitchen with your children. They are more likely to eat it if they help make it! And start from the beginning teaching your kids to be Health Nuts rather than Fast Food Junkies!!
Let's face it. We live in a face paced, give-it-to-me-now world. It's all about convenience and how quick we can get it. Think back 15 years ago. We had the internet. We had email. But most of us had dial up. To get online we sat down at our computer, clicked on AOL, signed in and heard that horrible screechy sound then a loud ring. Screechy sound again before we connected, and if we were lucky we'd connect the first time and hear that beloved, "You've got mail." I remember being about to sign in then get up fix a snack before coming back to actually surf the web (which also took forever!) If we had to go through that today, we'd be on the phone so fast with our internet provider it would make our heads spin! We wouldn't put up with that. Nor should we. We have the technology now to make it quicker, and that's okay. Sometimes quicker IS better. But in the case of food--it's not, and it's scary what our expectations are doing to our children.
This starts very, very early. Breastfeeding isn't always the "quickest" thing to get. It's not just easy for most people. Yes, it's the most natural thing in the world--except when it's not. It's work. It takes commitment. And it takes time. Lots of moms aren't willing to give that time. They know that "breast is best" but they are way too quick to say, "It's just not working for me." I believe that formula is way too accessible in this day in America. In other countries, you have to have a prescription to get it. So there it starts.... an easy fix. Give the baby a bottle. After all, the pediatrician tells us it's almost just as good, right. I've even heard that some pediatricians today are still saying it's JUST as good. And you can find it anywhere--justification. Yes, there are reasons for not breastfeeding. There are instances (very few) when moms really, physiologically can't do it. In old times, these babies would have had to have a wet nurse or have been given goat's milk (which has much closer proteins to human milk that cow's.) But everyone expected that they would nurse their baby because that's how babies ate!
So most moms in America turn to formula.
Around 4 to 6 months (because that's when the doctors start telling them to) they start strolling down the grocery aisle to the baby food. What are they in? Jars. Jars that have been sitting on the shelves for quite some time and have an expiration date of at least a year away. Hmmm, I wonder how vegetables and fruit can sit on shelves for over a year? Preservatives. That's the only way. So from the very beginning, we start spooning preservatives in our babies' mouths. Not to mention the cereals. We aren't even asked to give them cereal with any nutrition--just dehydrated flakes of white rice that do nothing but expand and sit in our babies' tummies to make them full. Hey, it does the trick to make them sleep through the night, right? Everyone knows today that white rice isn't good. We all know to eat brown rice for any nutrition. White rice (along with white flour, white pasta, white potatoes, etc.) is pure sugar once it's in our bodies. Why would we give that to our babies? Their guts are not ready to digest all that so it sits and rots in their tummies--causing all sorts of gastrointestinal issues including leaky gut syndrome early on and all sorts of other colon trouble later.
As they get older, look a little further down the aisle. You will find more preservative filled snacks--quick and easy. Baby food companies know exactly what moms want to hear. They claim to be nutritious. They are also quick and easy. What more could we ask for? So we fill their bowls and tummies full of grains that they can't digest well because, let's face it, it's easy! It keeps them busy for a few minutes or happy in the car or while we are sitting at a restaurant. What are we teaching them, though? Bad eating habits and the fact that food can fill the time as well as their stomachs.
So then our babies are toddlers. We venture into the world of microwaveable toddler meals. Quick and easy once again--all under the guise of good nutrition. Carrots and peas--what could be bad about those? Well, maybe the fact that they are loaded with preservatives once again. Sometimes we're still shoving jar food down them because it's easy to make sure they get their "veggies." And don't forget the fast food meals that come into play at this point. Which of us hasn't been guilty of driving through the drive thru to get our toddler a happy meal? Now, I'll admit it happens a lot sooner with the later ones coming a long. You can keep your first ones away from that stuff a lot longer. Then by the time number 3 or 4 comes--forget it! Right? Well, I admit this is where I fail a lot. Our life is busy. I'll admit. What's the solution when you are out and it's lunch time? I know lots of moms who pack lunches to take. I've done that. I really have. It's not so bad. But doing it a lot with six kids gets really time consuming! So a lot of times I go to Jason's Deli--trekking in with all six kids and one adult is quite the show, I can promise. The workers there know me, and the managers talk to me personally! :) I guess I bring a lot of business when I walk through the door! But it's so much more worth it than another meal of chicken nuggets.
But still.... is Jason's Deli really the answer? If I'm honest, I'll tell myself "no." The answer is more nutritious whole food at HOME!
So there it begins.... from the very beginning we choose the fast and easy way. What our children need is whole, nutritious food from us. They need to be taught that faster is not always better. They need to know that they don't turn to food for comfort or entertainment. Our children in America are obese. Look around. It's sad! They eat crap and they don't get enough exercise. And starts with the nutritional habits of mom and dad. Let's commit to doing better. There are tons of resources to help you with ways to get good food into your children in easy ways. Children eat what they are given (for the most part.) Train them early and it's much easier than having to untrain and train again! Smoothies are a great way to get wholesome fruit in them plus throw in a little green spinach as well. My 7 month old is already drinking them. I don't use dairy so I don't worry about that--just a little coconut water. Also, let your babies eat what you eat. This solves a lot of the texture issues that children have as they are growing up. You may need to pulse it through a food processor a couple of times, but that's okay. They can eat it!
Play with some recipes. Have fun in the kitchen with your children. They are more likely to eat it if they help make it! And start from the beginning teaching your kids to be Health Nuts rather than Fast Food Junkies!!
I've loved doing my local food co-op. It's really helped me move my family into eating healthier. I won't claim to be a health nut, but small steps are better than none right?! Anyhow, it's helped us try new things and my kids now know the only snacking they can do (except special times) are fruits and veggies. However, I'm the one who loves to eat out. I think it's cause of laziness. I'm working on it though! :)