Striving to live authentically while pursuing holiness

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The annoyingly sad lady at dance

Okay, this lady has just pushed me over the edge, and I have to talk about her somewhere, to someone!! The first time I met her was in September. Her daughter has a dance class right after my daughter, and for some reason she comes really early to sit and wait--and complain about how hard her life is. As I was saying, the first time I met her she was pregnant. She was due in about two weeks. This was going to be her second child (and her LAST she quickly told me) and she was having a C-section, for which she was very thankful. So obviously, off the bat, we had nothing in common!! :) But that's fine. When I told her I had six, she just about went into labor right there. Little did I know that she would be the first person that I would ever really think, "Oh thank the Lord that you are not having anymore!!"

So I walk in to pick up Liza-Hill one day--late, if you can imagine that! Liza-Hill went to the car, and I had to pay for the next month. I had to wait for the book lady to go do something and then come back before I paid her. I ended up standing in there for probably ten minutes. This "annoying" lady was there, not pregnant anymore, but I was shocked to see that she was without her baby knowing that it had not been long at all since she had given birth. I swear I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but seriously--you couldn't help but hear what she had to say because she was screaming it to the world. The baby was less that two weeks old at that point, and he was at home with her mother. She just had to get out of the house and away from him! (Her words.) She kept saying over and over that "all he does it eat.... all the time." (She wasn't even breastfeeding so I'm not really sure why she cared.) She also talked about how he peed and pooped constantly and how gross it was every time she changed his diaper that he did it then. (Um, doesn't every baby do this those first few weeks?) She talked over and over about how gross his penis was. Yes, can you imagine?? I wanted to ask if she was in 2nd grade or something?? I mean, she has a husband! She's certainly seen one before now! She continued to talk about how he cried and cried and never stopped. She wasn't talking directly to me so I didn't interject my thoughts--she would have hit me if I had, I'm sure. But the one lady that she was talking to did say, "Yes, that's what they do at that age."

So I get back in the car, and Liza-Hill (8) says to me, "You know that lady that was pregnant? She had her baby." I said, "Oh really?" Now, remember I was late, so she had been sitting in the waiting room with her for a few minutes before I got there. She said, "Yeah, it was sad though. She didn't seem to like her baby very much. He wasn't there with her, and he is really young." She started telling me all the things that she overheard--which sounded just like all the things that I had heard as well. In the end she said, "I wonder if she would just let us take her baby so we could love it?" Okay, this came from an eight year old little girl!! Now, I'm well aware that she is much more in tuned with babies and motherly instincts than most eight year olds--for which I am very glad, but still. She didn't miss a thing!

I gave the lady the benefit of the doubt thinking it had only been two weeks. Surely she would get better. But NOPE! I've been in there with her a few more times, and she still continues to complain about her baby and her two year old. "It's just so hard having two.""There's no time for me. ""I can't ever work out." "I cannot lose these last 10 pounds no matter what I do." "This baby is so fat--I've been feeding him cereal since he was 6 weeks, and it still doesn't fill him up." It's amazing to me that anyone in there even sits and listens to her during that whole class!! Today, when she walked in, the lady who owns the studio nicely said, "Hi! How are you today?" Her response, "Oh great.....just great! How else would I be?" as sarcastic as you please!!

Everything that comes out of her mouth is just dripping with bitterness about having these two children that have apparently "ruined" her life. It breaks my heart for them!! I look at that precious little boy--whom I have yet to see her actually hold (he sits the entire time in his car seat)--and I just want to pick him up and love on him. Actually, I feel like Liza-Hill, and I want to ask her if she wants us to take him home!! And then I look at that little girl who is listening to every word her Mommy says. I can't imagine what imprint this is making on her. I wonder why she even had children in the first place. I don't know if maybe it was her husband that pushed her into it. Now that I think about it, I have seen the baby out of his car seat once. That was when her husband was there with her one day, for some reason or another, and he was holding him. So maybe that's it.

It's not for me to judge, cast blame, or figure out. I know that. But God has really placed it on my heart to pray for this lady and her children!! I know that He is in the business of changing hearts, and I pray He changes hers before she ruins her kids' lives--and her own!!

1 comment:

  1. So sad. I can not imagine not enjoying every second with my babies!! Even the really hard moments go by way too fast!! Look at Cedar and Patrick - already on their way to being a year old!! Unbelievable.
