Striving to live authentically while pursuing holiness

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Long blog

It's been awhile since I've been on here. Every now and then something crosses my mind to write about, but by the time I sit down and have the time to do it, it's either gone or not important anymore! Nothing much has changed about the fact that we are moving. But the circumstances surrounding that seem to change every day. I guess that's why I haven't been good about keeping this "up to date." Because as soon as plans are made, they change.

As of now, the kids and I are still in Naples. We were supposed to be moved last weekend. We were supposed to be in a rental house in Newport, TN at the bottom of the Smokies with a great yard and an amazing view. As wonderful as that was, it was temporary and we didn't know much beyond that. God took care of us in a great way!! He provided a way for us to get a loan to buy a home in Knoxville--which is where we really wanted to be. The country home would have been great. Quiet, spacious, lovely.....but we were both very disappointed at our church options in Newport. It's very important to both of us to have a close-knit, growing, living church family. As the body of Christ, we want to be a part of one that is making a difference and living out our commission. We visited a growing and thriving  church in downtown Knoxville when we visited in Sept. Finding out that we weren't going to be able to buy a house and live in Knoxville (because there were no rentals available for what we needed) was disappointing to say the least. We prayed and enlisted the children's prayers as well! They have taught me so much through all of this. They are so faithful to take everything before the throne of God and just ask with a childlike faith. They aren't surprised when he answers big (like I am.) I'm so blessed to have them teach me every day!!

So now I've been here for five weeks with six kids and no husband. I've always thought single parents were the most admirable people out there--selfless and giving. Now I don't even know how you do it--day in and day out. Since we home school, the days seem pretty monotonous sometimes with no changes and nothing to break up the time. Thankfully, my oldest can babysit so I've taken a few times to get away by myself or with a friend. But it's the night times that are hard. I never have an empty bed--for sure!! :) But I miss him most then.  I went to get a massage today, and it was blissful! I never do stuff like that, but Wednesday night driving home from church I really started noticing my back and shoulders and how "tingly" and stiff they were. This always happens when I'm nursing so I'm pretty used to it! :) But it gave me the idea to call a friend who is a masseuse and ask her about an appointment. One of my best friends was going with me (whose husband has also been out of town because they are moving as well) but God provided a different surprise for her!! Her husband surprised her by coming home this weekend! So I ended up going alone. I enjoyed a quiet 90 minutes of restfulness!

So the plan was for us to leave next Thursday (Oct. 20), stay in Perry with my parents for a couple of weeks and then go to TN to stay in a hotel or extended stay place until our house was ready for closing. Oh yeah, I forgot that part. We did end up buying a house--one that I've never seen except through pictures. Yes, I have lots of trust in my husband's judgement and taste (he's really good at that kind of stuff.) But I also realize that it's just a house--a place to put our stuff (that we have too much of) and lay our heads at night. It's not ours'--nothing is. It's a material possession. Therefore I can give that up too. God has worked out everything so perfectly and miraculously. I have to trust that He has given us the perfect house for our needs as well.

Our closing date is scheduled for Nov. 14. Jon was not really liking the idea of us all being in a hotel for two weeks, but we were both ready to live together again as husband and wife!! So last night a friend suggested that we check into a vacation rental. After all, we are moving to the vacation place of the south!! So I sent out some inquiries last night, and it looks like we have a house in the Smokies for the first three weeks of Nov. It gives us a week to get the closing done, our stuff moved in the house and time to settle in easily before we go my grandparents for Thanksgiving! The kids are thrilled! We went to Gatlinburg last year, and they still talk about it. Can't wait to home school in the fall in the Smokies with a fire in the fireplace, crispness in the air, fall leaves all around. It will be a whole new world for my kids--new surroundings and new experiences. I'm so excited!! The hardest part, though, will be actually getting the kids to do some school work instead of just playing all the time. But God is teaching us so much this year--sometimes life is just as much of a teaching lesson than anything else.

So that's our plan for now--leave Naples on the 20th, spend 1 1/2 weeks with my parents, then head to the Smokies for three weeks in Pigeon Forge. Then we'll head to Winder, GA for Thanksgiving--something we haven't done in 8 years (had a cool Thanksgiving!) and then finally back to our new home to hopefully be out of boxes by Christmas!! Yeah, right!! My mom is laughing right now. She knows it takes me about two years to get completely out of boxes!! :)

So life is hectic. I must say my heart is filled with dread when I think about the week looming ahead of me. Yes, we will have packers, but I must be organized first. Organization is not one of my strong points. I am also a major procrastinator and I don't even seem to SEE the stuff that needs to be done until it's eminent. So therefore.... I know what lies ahead, and it's not a pretty picture!! I'm afraid the packers will come Monday and tell me they "can't work like this." :)

I could use your prayers. Jon won't be flying in until Thursday morning so I'm alone in this. I've pretty much got the kids scattered to different places throughout the week, but I'll have a couple here with me most of the time as well. They have been so busy this past week they haven't had time to be sad. I know it will hit them soon though.

Tomorrow is our last time at church as members of Covenant Church of Naples. That thought sobers me and is probably the hardest part of leaving Naples. I don't know if I will cry or not. I don't really cry that much. But one thing is sure--part of my heart will be left here forever, and it will be planted there in the body of Christ--with those people whom I've gone through struggles with, prayed with, given and received meals and gifts and love to/from at times of rejoicing and hardships. I'm so thankful to have lived here for 11 years and especially for the last 3--where our church has come together as a true light and shining beacon for God.

I know God has plans for us wherever we go (Jer. 29:11), and I can't wait to see just how those unfold in the tapestry of our lives....

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