Well, the baby's food allergies seem to be subsiding. I've added back other grains (besides wheat, spelt, oats or anything that has gluten) and most other things, but I haven't added dairy yet. Partly because of the sugars in dairy--and I'm still not doing sugars because of the yeast issue--and partly because I wonder if he is going to react to the dairy itself since it's such a high allergen. I haven't been eating yeast either because of the yeast issue. So as of now, his bottom is pretty clear.
I do have to confess, though, that I failed the other day!! I hadn't eaten sugar since Christmas. I have put my boys on the no gluten diet (and my oldest on no gluten, dairy, or yeast--and very limited sugar.) But my seven year old is just doing no gluten because he is always having some skin issue or another. Anyway, he has a sweet tooth so I made him some "Muddy Buddies" out of Rice Chex, chocolate, peanut butter, and powdered sugar!! Let me tell you--those are my absolute FAVORITE!! So I decided one isolated time would be okay. I ate some. It wasn't nearly as much as I normally would have, but I ate some. Oh my word--within 45 minutes I completely crashed!! I could not keep from going to sleep. It was the craziest thing I've ever felt because as I was sooooo tired, I was also on a huge sugar buzz. So in my drowsy, sleep state I was flying high!! Crazy! So thankful that the baby decided to take a long nap that day. I felt really guilty when Jon came home and I was sacked out in the bed!! Needless to say, Baby's bottom showed it for a couple of days. That yeast popped right back out there. But it's gone now!!
I have been taking some stuff called Yeast Assassin (Lite) from Beeyoutiful.com. There is a whole regimen that they recommend doing--about 5 or 6 different supplements with it. I'm taking most of them but already had a good probiotic so I'm not taking that from them. I think it's really helping to get the yeast out of my system (and baby's in turn.)
My chiropractor tested him the other day for a couple of things that I eat a lot of to see if he was reacting to that because the spots wouldn't seem to go away. Turns out, he's allergic to APPLES and SPINACH!! So after taking those out of my diet, he is really doing well. After a month or so of the Yeast Assassin I plan to start the dairy slowly and see what happens.
I'll let you know!! (And I'll post later about my older boys diets as well. They aren't too excited about the whole experience!!)
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