Wow! Who knew that it would be Chick fil A that got me back on my blog after who knows how long!! But, y'all, it's a frenzy on my facebook feed. I've got friends from the left, who've boycotted CFA for years, asking, "Is this for real? Is CFA really going to drop their anti-LGBTQ agenda?" (IMO, they never had one. Do you know how many trans and queer youth work at CFAs in Knoxville? And they are fabulous humans!) And then I've got my conservative friends in a frenzy over how CFA has let us down and succumbed to the liberal lobbyists.
Just stop.
Chick fil A still loves Jesus, y'all. Chick fil A has ALWAYS been about helping young people grow into upstanding citizens who will contribute well to society. They've been about education and loving your neighbor. They've given more free food than any other fast food chain I've ever heard of!! When there is a state of emergency, there they are with their amazingly delicious two pickle chicken sandwiches. And I have a feeling, they still will be!
From Relevant Magazine today: "Starting next year, Chick fil A intends to donate $9 million to Junior Achievement USA, which supports local education and Covenant House International, to combat homelessness. In addition, Chick fil A will donate $25,000 to a local food bank every time it opens a new location." Chick fil A also said that they want to focus on local nonprofits in individual communities. "We think [education, hunger and homelessness] are critical issues in communities where we do business in the US." "[C]haritable grants will be reviewed annually, and both faith-based and non-fath based organizations will be considered for such giving. It's just the right thing to do."
Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." Matt. 25:40.
I don't know about you, but the "least of these" has always conjured up in my mind images of the homeless, hungry and children. [See above that Chick fil A thinks that education, hunger and homelessness are the things worthy of their charitable giving.]
So, Christian friends, you can feel good about your weekly (ahem, maybe daily?) trip through the CFA drive-thru because CFA is still doing the work of the gospel by loving their neighbors. And non-Christian friends, I know most of you are good humanitarians who want to love people and do good. It looks to me like CFA fits the bill doing what we are all looking for.
If you still want to boycott--that's fine with me. It just gives me shorter drive-thru lines, which is always needed in my busy world!!